Well boys and girls, if you thought that there was a tshirt that could possibly take over the world here it is...

Christopher Kane and is unbelievably cool primate tshirts are readily available to purchase here www.luisaviaroma.com and they come in all sizes for men and women. But be weary, purchasing one of these will set you back approximately $410 (NZ) so i will be putting one on the christmas wish list for now. I'm usually only a plain black tshirt wearer, but there is something about the end chimp tshirt thats screams WEAR ME!
In other news, i will be collaborating with a great friend of mine on this blog to get a male perspective on things too. So keeping reading, heaps of stuff coming soon.
Tot ziens
Not that it isn't cool, but they're so pervasive they are already reminding me of the House of Holland tshirts that exploded then suddenly disappeared.
On the other hand it's as ridiculous/pretentious to dislike something because it's popular as to like something because it's popular. :P
you're right, they're everywhere. and they will come and go just like the house of holland tshirts. BUT monkey tshirts are still sweeeeet :)
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