Well as you guys know i died when i saw a few images from Alexander McQueen's Resort 2010 collection. Well i almost had a conniption just now when i realised that his entire collection was on style.com finally. And it is beautiful. It can be split up into three sections really, so i thought i would give you a taste of one of my favourite collections this year.
1. Architectural chic

The first three are definitely my top three favourites from the collection. The delicate lace overlaying the electric yellow, then turned into a high-neck collar then into amazing leggings, they are all perfect really. I also like the origami inspired red shift, i think that hue of red is beautiful especially paired against porcelain skin.
2. Stripes on acid

This intoxicating combination of crimson, cobalt and geometric patterns is not for the shrinking violet. You have to have some pretty big kahunas to pull something like these pieces off. But i think the best thing to do would be to take one of these electric pieces and pair it with something more neutral. Or wear it head to toe, it's up to you.
3. Artistic license

Paint splatters purposefully on your clothes? It's an interesting concept. I'm not sure if i am the biggest fan. I can just imagine turning up to meet my mum in the jeans covered artistically in paint and her telling me to go home and put something clean on. It would happen, trust me. But in saying that, i like the combination of the painted denim and the sharp tailoring.
So there you have it, Alexander Mcqueen resort 2010 round up. It's an eclectic mix i feel, but a successful one.
Tot Ziens
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