Well my lovelies, what an exciting week i have just had. I was in Auckland working with the women at Simply You assisting on the fashion shoots for the next fashion issue of the magazine. I don't think i have ever worked so hard in my life, and at the same time had so much fun. I know now that i am to be a stylist, and have my first job lined up in March.
But anyway enough about me, lets get into the good stuff. I'm loving the Prefall collections out at the moment. Burberry is on fire at the moment, i can't get enough of their amazing collections.

The last photo is definitely my favourite look after the black tailoring. Don't you think it's inspired by Amelia Earhart?

With the awaited biopic about the ground breaking Amelia, it is only natural that designers see her as a source of inspiration.
Another think i am lovingly pouring over at the moment is Pilot Magazine. Check out their website here, and definitely go and buy the latest issue it is so beautiful.

Okay so this is just a quick one for now, shooting out to grab some last minute Christmas presents. But i will be posting some photos of the decorations around my house tomorrow. I love this time of year.
Tot ziens
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