Well we all knew it was going to happen, the nearest and dearest to me won't be surprised... I'm so nervous about my internship in sydney that i have actually come to a hault and don't know what to do. My mind is so consumed with possibilities and woes that i can't concentrate on my last bit of school work to do. Much ado about nothing right? Wrong! Well maybe right. Man i just don't know anymore.
One of my biggest dilemmas is what on earth do i wear. I have shoes (glorious amounts of shoes) and nothing to wear them with. I'm fine on the accessories front but god knows what they will embellish.
I need suggestions quick. So please leave a comment, a few wise words perhaps. Argh.
I think i am going to invest in some Complex Geometries, a couple of basics from Country Road, but i feel like i need a man style pant that i can fold up at the ankles and rock around in fancy shoes.

Which brings me to Brogues, i think they are a must for summer, especially with floral dresses. Or actually you could wear them with anything you like, and if your looking for inspiration to follow you can't go wrong with Alexa Chung at the moment. She is on fire in the muse world, dictating trends all over the world.

Of if you have millions of dollars why not get yourself a couple of pairs of these brogue-ish lace ups by Christian Louboutin. I have to say the silver ones are quite mesmerizing.
God what else do i need. Sandals? yes i need sandals, it's going to warmer over there than anywhere found in New Zealand. Oh man i need to do some serious shopping. Holy Norah.
Oh and my Mum sent me some Dutch magazines from her travels so i have some sweet editorials i want to post soon.
Tot ziens.
get one of those chino beige trousers at Country Road and there are cute silver brogues at Mi Piaci :)
ahh life saver, thanks :)
oh those shoes are awesome! What a height to fall from
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